Bassem Tamimi: Moje dcero, to jsou slzy odporuOtec Ahed Tamimi, Bassem Tamimi: Na svoji dceru jsem hrdý, je to bojovnice za svobodu, která v nadcházejících letech povede odpor proti izraelské nadvládě Před několika měsíci jsme v Jižní Africe promítali video dokumentující boj naší vesnice Nabi Saleh proti násilné izraelské nadvládě. Ahed se po projekci postavil a poděkoval za podporu. Když si všimla, že někteří lidé v publiku mají v očích slzy, řekla jim: "Možná jsme obětmi izraelského režimu, ale stejně tak jsme hrdí na naše rozhodnutí za naši věc bojovat, i když cena je vysoká. Věděli jsme, kam nás tato cesta zavede, ale naše identita, jako národa i jako jednotlivců, je ztělesněna v našem odporu a z něj čerpá i svou inspiraci. Kromě utrpení a každodenního útlaku vězňů, raněných a zabitých jsme si také vědomi obrovské síly, která pramení ze zapojení se do hnutí odporu; oddanost, láska, ty malé vznešené okamžiky, které se zrodily z rozhodnutí rozbít tu neviditelnou stěnu pasivity. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Ahed Tamimi's father: I'm proud of my daughter. She is a freedom fighter who, in the coming years, will lead the resistance to Israeli rule Bassem Tamimi This night too, like all the nights since dozens of soldiers raided our home in the middle of the night, my wife Nariman, my 16-year-old daughter Ahed and Ahed’s cousin Nur will spend behind bars. Although it is Ahed’s first arrest, she is no stranger to your prisons. My daughter has spent her whole life under the heavy shadow of the Israeli prison — from my lengthy incarcerations throughout her childhood, to the repeated arrests of her mother, brother and friends, to the covert-overt threat implied by your soldiers’ ongoing presence in our lives. So her own arrest was just a matter of time. An inevitable tragedy waiting to happen. Several months ago, on a trip to South Africa, we screened for an audience a video documenting the struggle of our village, Nabi Saleh, against Israel’s forced rule. When the lights came back on, Ahed stood up to thank the people for their support. When she noticed that some of the audience members had tears in their eyes, she said to them: “We may be victims of the Israeli regime, but we are just as proud of our choice to fight for our cause, despite the known cost. We knew where this path would lead us, but our identity, as a people and as individuals, is planted in the struggle, and draws its inspiration from there. Beyond the suffering and daily oppression of the prisoners, the wounded and the killed, we also know the tremendous power that comes from belonging to a resistance movement; the dedication, the love, the small sublime moments that come from the choice to shatter the invisible walls of passivity. “I don’t want to be perceived as a victim, and I won’t give their actions the power to define who I am and what I’ll be. Months after that event in South Africa, when she challenged the soldiers, who were armed from head to toe, it wasn’t sudden anger at the grave wounding of 15-year-old Mohammed Tamimi not long before that, just meters away, that motivated her. Nor was it the provocation of those soldiers entering our home. No. These soldiers, or others who are identical in their action and their role, have been unwanted and uninvited guests in our home ever since Ahed was born. No. She stood there before them because this is our way, because freedom isn’t given as charity, and because despite the heavy price, we are ready to pay it. My daughter is just 16 years old. In another world, in your world, her life would look completely different. In our world, Ahed is a representative of a new generation of our people, of young freedom fighters. This generation has to wage its struggle on two fronts. On the one hand, they have the duty, of course, to keep on challenging and fighting the Israeli colonialism into which they were born, until the day it collapses. On the other hand, they have to boldly face the political stagnation and degeneration that has spread among us. They have to become the living artery that will revive our revolution and bring it back from the death entailed in a growing culture of passivity that has arisen from decades of political inactivity. Ahed is one of many young women who in the coming years will lead the resistance to Israeli rule. She is not interested in the spotlight currently being aimed at her due to her arrest, but in genuine change. She is not the product of one of the old parties or movements, and in her actions she is sending a message: In order to survive, we must candidly face our weaknesses and vanquish our fears. In this situation, the greatest duty of me and my generation is to support her and to make way; to restrain ourselves and not to try to corrupt and imprison this young generation in the old culture and ideologies in which we grew up.
hlavní článkynejčtenějšíPalestinci v noci ubránili vesnici před dalším nájezdem osadníků, které agresivně bránila armáda Izraelští extrémisté zaútočili na další dům ve vesnici Duma, kde bylo upáleno dítě 85 Percent of Palestinians killed by Israel were Extra-Judicially Executed |